Platelet Rich Plasma-PRP
PRP stands for Autologous - Platelet Rich Plasma. The practitioner draws a small amount of venous blood and isolates the red cells from a platelet concentrate, embedded in its own plasma. The entire process takes less then 10 minutes. As the Autologous - Platelet Rich Plasma (A-PRP) is processed from the patients own blood, there is no risk of allergy or rejection with this treatment.

Platelets are key factors in hard and soft tissue repair mechanisms. They provide the essential growth factors FGF, PDGF, TGF-ß, EGF, VEGF, IGF that are involved in stem cell migration, differentiation and proliferation. The stimulation of fibroblasts and endothelial cells induces new extracellular matrix deposition and neo-vascularization.
Plasma is essential for cell survival as it contains nutrients, vitamins, hormones, electrolytes and proteins. Proteins are key molecules for the coagulation process and the formation of the fibrin polymer that will serve as a scaffold for cell migration, differentiation and proliferation.
At Santana Family Care we have PRP for face and Hair treatments.